Preheat oven to 350.
Combine all seeds in a bowl and pour in the boiling water.
Mix well, allow to sit for 5 minutes, mixing a couple more times as it does.
Prepare a baking pan by placing a piece of parchment paper onto it (not wax paper, parchment paper). Brush the parchment paper with just a bit of olive oil (you may want to brush a stroke of it under the paper onto the baking sheet to help keep it in place).
Add in 1 teaspoon or less of your olive oil/avocado oil and any additional things here (such as salt, flavored salt, minced dried cranberries, etc). NOTE: Choose to add salt IN now or ON after crackers are formed before baking.
Scrape seed mixture onto your prepared pan and using the back of a spoon or a spatula, spread the mixture into a rectangle. If making a single batch, this will not fill up a regular sized pan. If making a double batch it should.
Press down firmly as you spread mixture, packing it into place. Go along edges to pat them in to give it a uniformed shape.
Brush just a bit of your oil gently overtop mixture.
Sprinkle with flakey salt or kosher salt (as little or as much as you wish).
Drizzle with a small amount of honey (optional).
Bake on middle rack for 30 minutes. Look for crackers to become a little golden. Being careful to not burn.
As soon as you remove tray from oven, pull/slide parchment off tray onto counter or cutting board. Using a sharp chefs knife, quick & firmly, cut into crackers.
Put tray back in the oven and allow it to sit there for another 30 minutes, the residual heat of the oven will ensure crispiness without burning.
Once you remove the seed crackers, allow them to cool. If you have a cooling rack, carefully lift parchment with cut crackers onto that to finish cooling.
Once completely cool, store in glass jar or sealed container for up to 3 weeks (however they won't last that long because they are so yummy, lol!).