When I was a teenager, I was quite literally obsessed with John, Simon, Nick, Roger and Andy...otherwise known as Duran Duran.
You can not imagine the extent of my adoration back then (or can you...any Durranies out there?).
My room was splattered with everything...them.
THEY were in frames along with some of our family photos throughout the house (thanks for humoring me mom).
I went to every concert...I even attended the 1st MTV Award Show in NYC (where sadly to a 16 year old me, I met their wives). If you want to find out how "I" am forever immortalized in MTV history thanks to my crazy love affair with Duran Duran, read here.
My girlfriends and I perfected British accents and we spent weekends calling overseas to talk to the English operators asking them if they knew Simon-John-Roger-Nick-Andy or their parents, teachers or trash-men. We badgered them with questions and they kind-of humored us. We can't have been the only crazy teenagers that did that...right? Seriously, I can't make stuff like this up! Funny enough it actually didn't cost our parents a dime when we did that, lol!
Local boys were the furthest things from our minds, since ya know they weren't THEM or even English! This kept our parents happy (which is one reason they may have indulged our teenage dreams).
The second my friends and I were allowed to have alcohol, we HAD TO have what they drank...Stoli aka Stolichnaya Vodka. Ya know 'cause somehow THAT brought us closer to them! We had read in Teen Beat, Tiger Beat or Bop that our guys asked for Stoli to be stocked in their dressing rooms before shows - so it must have been true!
Flash forward to today...my music of choice is 30 Seconds to Mars, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, etc. However I am still loyal to "my boys" (I liken it to a girls first crush, even my kids know who "my boys" are)...I still see them in concert (they have made some phenomenal music over the past 2 decades which I continue to enjoy). Once as a grown woman at a Duran Duran concert, John Taylor stared right at me for quite a while and smiled. I was in the 2nd row...our eyes were locked, time stood still, I was enjoying our "moment" together...meanwhile my sister was shaking me to death screaming OMGAWWWD, HE"S LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU!!!! Which I have to say was completely mortifying. Sorry about that JT!
And...I still enjoy Stoli. These days I dig Stoli-O, which is the orange flavored vodka. For my husband and I, as well as a quite a few of our friends (this drink happens to be named after one of them....but THAT is another story) this is our go-to drink at our local pub, and a cocktail we regularly make at hang-outs.
It's light and refreshing and if you use Diet Sprite or club soda, it has way less calories than most cocktails. Squeezing in a slice or two of fresh orange is a must! Even a sprig or two of mint is tasty.
Try it and maybe play a Duran Duran track while you do 🙂
The Kodiak
3-4 oz Stoli-O Vodka (depends on your preference for strength)
Diet Sprite, Sprite or club soda
Juice of 2 orange slices
Fill a 16 oz glass ¾ of the way with ice. Pour in your vodka, top it off with your sprite, add in the fresh squeezed orange, stir and enjoy!
kim @ DESIGN + LIFE + KIDS says
I love this story! And I love Stoli and 7... That was always my go to drink for a long night out!
Deanna - Teaspoon of Spice says
So first I saw the photo and thought, "that looks like a delish drink" and THEN I read about your obsession and practically shrieked!! It was like you are describing me in 1984 - I too was totally obsessed with all things Simon, John, Nick, Roger and Andy!! I totally remember that picture - you couldn't tell the color of my walls because every single square inch was covered in Duran Duran (I think I gave one small area to a Wham! poster.) My parents would show their friends my room to prove how crazy I was about them. Me and 2 friends got to go backstage before their concert in 1984 and I nearly had a heart attack. We got within 1 feet of them, got a few photos but that was enough. Simon was my main guy. Funny how now that they are still making music I don't listen to them as much but man, your post brought back some sweet memories!!
Beth says
Isn't funny how obsessed we could be over our "dream" boys? I had my walls plastered with NKTOB.
Mrs RKFJ says
Vodka! Duran Duran! Excuse me while I get myself together! Ahem. This looks like a fun drink for a favorite group. I never did the British accent, but I did love them so!
Jessica @EatSleepBe says
Now that is my kind of drink! And I'll take one Duran Duran on the side with it. 😉
oboyorganic says
Love it! I was going to marry Nick Rhodes - lol
Reesa Lewandowski says
OH this sounds yummy!!!!!
melissa says
I think you and I are meant to be best friends. Or bitter enemies 🙂 I hate when people do this but...look at all my Duran Duran posts I've written on my blog and you'll see what I mean: http://www.rockanddrool.com/?s=duran+duran&x=0&y=0 Oh...and that drink? Sounds delish!! I may have to make that tonight for Friday Wine Night..and make it the night in which we drink vodka instead.
Carol at Wild Goose Tea says
I suspect that there is not a single woman reader who has not been in the throes of 'love' with some music or rock star. I was tripping down memory land myself and laughing. I think we should all have a Kodiak and toast those many men or maybe have several Kodiaks and toast one man. Whatever works. Laughing.
Christina @ It's a Keeper says
I love the Duran Duran story! And, I love that you mother let you have framed photos of them mixed in with the family pics! I cannot wait to make this cocktail!
Sarah W. Caron (Sarah's Cucina Bella) says
What a fun story -- and the cocktail looks so tasty.
Kim (Feed Me, Seymour) says
This is absolutely hilarious! Because we've all been there. For me, it was N'Sync and I'm so embarrassed to admit to it. But I went through that phase and had to have everything they liked, just in case we ever met and needed a topic of discussion. 😉 Either way, I'll definitely try one of these cocktails! 🙂
Back for Seconds says
I love everything about this 😉
Amy @Very Culinary says
My obsession was with Jon Bon Jovi. So much so, I made it my mission to get a job working for his record label. AND I DID. Got to meet him and everything. Probably should have kept it a fantasy. Unlike this drink!
Angie McGowan says
What a great looking cocktail Perfect for Spring!
Paula-bell'alimento says
Duran Duran (I had more than my fair share of posters of them on my wall) and this drink rocks!
The Mom Chef says
You made me smile with the DuranDuran story. Unfortunately, I'm not so much of a fan. I don't dislike them, but just think they're ... meh. Pink Floyd has my heart and has since, well as long as DD's had yours.
foody schmoody says
love the story. love the drink. love it all! Anything w/ a bit of orange is for me.
Courtney @ Neighborfood says
Oh my gosh what a fabulous story to accompany this recipe! You never quite get over your teenage band crush. 🙂
Marly says
Bring on the Spring cocktails!
Samantha says
What a great story! Love this drink!
Meredith says
Ha! That's an awesome story! Love it!
Nutmeg Nanny says
Haha this post cracked me up. Replace Duran Duran with New Kids on the Block and you have my childhood 🙂 This drink looks so refreshing and totally perfect for summer.